Current travel advisories for Saudi Arabia

Hinweis: der Gesamtscore für dieses Land gibt aktuell einen falschen Wert aus. Bitte prüft die Quellen.
Note: the total score for this country shows a wrong value. Please check the sources.

Last Update: Saturday, 27. July 2024 at 08:15

Please reconsider your need to travel to Saudi Arabia.


Travel warnings for this region [to world map].

Current situation : 3.2 / 5

Saudi Arabia is a country in Asia (Western Asia) with around 29 million citizens and a land mass of 1,960,582 km². We detected travel advisories from 6 sources for this country.

Bordering countries: 3.6 / 5

Saudi Arabia shares land borders with 7 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 3.6 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Yemen (5.0), Iraq (4.8), United Arab Emirates (3.2), Jordan (3.2), Kuwait (3.2), Oman with (3.0) and Qatar with (3.0 of 5). See danger map of the region.

Current informationen on Covid-19

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control currently reports of no cases of COVID-19 (infection with SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus).


Single advisories / travel warnings

New Zealand government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Do not travel within 30 kilometres of the border with Yemen, including Najran and the southern and eastern areas of Jizan, due to ongoing sporadic cross-border attacks (level 4 of 4).

Danger level: 5

Do not travel / Extreme Risk.

Canadian government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
The Canadian goverment suggests: Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)

Danger level: 2

Exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories).

Finnish government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Iaktta normal försiktighet - Det finns en risk för oförutsedda bombattacker eller andra terrordåd. Attacker kan också riktas mot västerländska personer eller mot objekt som de föredrar. I söder i närheten av den jemenitiska gränsen bör man vara försiktig och undvika vistelse i avlägsna områden eller gränszonen. I den östliga provinsen Ash Sharqiyah förekommer det tidvis oroligheter, och det lönar sig att vara försiktig i hela regionen. Det är tillrådligt att beakta landets kulturella särdrag.

Danger level: 2

Travel is usually safe. .

US American government


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary:
Updated after periodic review to provide information on the risk of arrest due to social media use and the importation of prohibited items. Reconsider travel to Saudi Arabia due to the threat of missile and drone attacks.  Exercise increased caution in Saudi Arabia due to terrorism, the risk of arrest based on social media activity, and importation of prohibited items.  Some areas have increased risk.  Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do not travel to the following locations due to the threat of missile and drone attacks and terrorism: Within 50 miles of the Saudi-Yemen border, as well as the cities of Abha, Jizan, Najran, and Khamis Mushayt; Abha airport; Qatif in the Eastern Province and its suburbs, including Awamiyah. Country Summary: U.S. government personnel under Chief of Mission responsibility must adhere to the above travel restrictions.  As such, the U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in these locations. Missile and drone attacks perpetrated by Iran and Iran-supported militant groups have occurred as recently as September 2023.  The Islamic Republic of Iran has in the past supplied Yemen-based Houthis and regional proxy groups with weapons to conduct destructive and sometimes lethal attacks using drones, missiles, and rockets against a variety of Saudi sites, including critical infrastructure, civilian airports, military bases, and energy facilities throughout the country, as well as vessels in Red Sea shipping lanes.  Past attacks were aimed at targets throughout Saudi Arabia including Riyadh, Jeddah, Dhahran, Jizan, Khamis Mushayt, the civilian airport in Abha, Al Kharj, military installations in the south, as well as oil and gas facilities. Debris from intercepted drones and missiles has also represented a significant risk to civilian areas and populations in the recent past.  Militant groups have threatened to conduct attacks against locations in Saudi Arabia.  U.S. citizens living and working near military bases and critical civilian infrastructure, particularly near the border with Yemen, are at heightened risk if missile, drone, or rocket attacks reoccur. Terrorism continues to be a concern in Saudi Arabia.  Attacks can occur with little or no warning.  Past attacks have targeted tourist locations, large gatherings, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities.  Terrorists are also known to time attacks around major holidays and/or in response to military operations.  Terrorists have targeted both Saudi and international interests, mosques and other religious sites (both Sunni and Shia), and places frequented by U.S. citizens. Be advised that social media commentary – including past comments – which Saudi authorities may deem critical, offensive, or disruptive to public order, could lead to arrest.  This may include posting, re-posting, or liking comments about Saudi institutions, policies, and public life.  U.S. citizens have been convicted for social media activity under Saudi laws concerning cybercrime, terrorism, and disrupting public order.  Punishment for social media activity has included prison sentences of up to 45 years in some cases.  Saudi courts do not necessarily consider the timeframe of the posts or the location from which they were made to be material to these cases. The importation of drugs (including marijuana), drug paraphernalia, alcohol, weapons, pork, or any materials that could be considered pornographic or suggestive, is prohibited.  Penalties for drug possession, consumption, and trafficking are severe by U.S. standards.  An extensive list of banned items is available on our Saudi Arabia country information page. Due to risks to civil aviation operating within the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman region, including Saudi Arabia, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued an advisory Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM).  For more information U.S. citizens should consult the Federal Aviation Administration’s Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Saudi Arabia.

Danger level: 4


If there is more than one advisory/message of a single government for a given country, it indicates regional differences in means of security for your personal health and well-being. Single messages can indicate specific regions to be safer or less safe as mentioned in the main advisory. In these cases it's advisable to consult your own governments information. Additional Disclaimer: Since the evaluation is an automated process, it can only provide first steps for your own research. Please make sure to consult the sources.


Country information

Country flag

Basic facts

around 29 million
Covering landmass
1,960,582 km²
127/220V - 60Hz
Rial (SAR)
ISO 2-Letter Code
Phone prefix
Top Level Domain
Mobile frequencies (MHz)

Airports in Saudi Arabia (extern)


Frequently asked questions

This section gives some brief answers to common questions regarding travel safety in Saudi Arabia.

Is Saudi Arabia safe to travel in 2020?

We see a slighty raised risk with traveling to Saudi Arabia. The risk index is at 3.2 (out of 5). We recommend you check the single sources.

How many countries have issued advisories for Saudi Arabia?

We currently know of 6 countries having issued advisories for Saudi Arabia.

What countries does Saudi Arabia share land borders with?

Saudi Arabia shares land borders with 7 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 3.6 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Yemen (5.0), Iraq (4.8), United Arab Emirates (3.2), Jordan (3.2), Kuwait (3.2), Oman with (3.0) and Qatar with (3.0 of 5). See danger map of the region.

Note of the displayed travel advisories
These travel advisories are automatically gathered. We use the RSS Feeds of the corresponding authorities of the single countries. In some cases, we analyse the website itself. Since the information originates from different countries and different countries have different understanding of danger and danger levels. Thus, the information displayed is an automized and normalized representation with no right to completeness and correctness. If a country is not shown, it doesn't necessarily mean it's safe. The information shown is a first indicator. Additional remark: the websites address does not endorse the situation of a 'Reisewarnung' (with its name). Often, it's just formal notifications by other countries. These can be the reason a country reaches scores of aorund 2.0 and still be a generally safe country to visit. Lower risk grades are usually no sign of a immanent threat!