Worldwide Travel Warnings daily updates

Last Update: Saturday, 27. July 2024 at 08:14

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By selecting a country you will be brought to the corresponding summary page.
To overview of all countries.

Countries with the highest risk level


The number of sources remains at a stable 9.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Afghanistan

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Afghanistan.


The number of sources remains at a stable 7.
The warning index remains at 4.9.

More details on the country profile page for Belarus

Danger level: 4.9

It is not safe to travel Belarus.

Central African Republic

The number of sources remains at a stable 7.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Central African Republic

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Zentralafrikanische Republik.

Cook Islands

The number of sources remains at a stable 1.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Cook Islands

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Cookinseln.


The number of sources remains at a stable 6.
The warning index remains at 4.8.

More details on the country profile page for Haiti

Danger level: 4.8

It is not safe to travel Haiti.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 4.8.

More details on the country profile page for Iraq

Danger level: 4.8

It is not safe to travel Irak.


The number of sources remains at a stable 6.
The warning index remains at 4.5.

More details on the country profile page for Iran

Danger level: 4.5

It is not safe to travel Iran, Islamische Republik.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Libya

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Libyen.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 4.6.

More details on the country profile page for Mali

Danger level: 4.6

It is not safe to travel Mali.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 4.6.

More details on the country profile page for Myanmar

Danger level: 4.6

It is not safe to travel Myanmar.


The number of sources remains at a stable 6.
The warning index remains at 4.7.

More details on the country profile page for Niger

Danger level: 4.7

It is not safe to travel Niger.


The number of sources remains at a stable 9.
The warning index remains at 4.7.

More details on the country profile page for Sudan

Danger level: 4.7

It is not safe to travel Sudan.

San Marino

The number of sources remains at a stable 1.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for San Marino

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel San Marino.


The number of sources remains at a stable 7.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Somalia

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Somalia.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Syria

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Syrien.


The number of sources remains at a stable 9.
The warning index remains at 4.7.

More details on the country profile page for Ukraine

Danger level: 4.7

It is not safe to travel Ukraine.


The number of sources remains at a stable 1.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Vatican

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Vatikanstadt.


The number of sources remains at a stable 8.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for Yemen

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel Jemen.

South Sudan

The number of sources remains at a stable 4.
The warning index remains at 5.

More details on the country profile page for South Sudan

Danger level: 5.0

It is not safe to travel SĂĽd Sudan.

Warnindex Description

Indication of the single warning levels. These levels are meant to serve as a rough guidance. Please do always consult your local goverments advisories.

Extreme Warning (index value: 4.5 - 5)
You should avoid any trips. A high warning index is a sound indicator of potential harm to your health and well-being.
High Risk (index value: 3.5 - 4.5)
Travel should be reduced to a necessary minimum and be conducted with good preparation and high attention.
Medium Risk (index value: 2.5 - 3.5)
Warnings often relate to specific regions within a country. However, high attention is still advised when moving around.
Low Risk (index value: 0 - 2.5)
Usually this is an indicator that travelling in this country is relatively safe. Higher attention is advised with values > 1.
Note of the displayed travel advisories
These travel advisories are automatically gathered. We use the RSS Feeds of the corresponding authorities of the single countries. In some cases, we analyse the website itself. Since the information originates from different countries and different countries have different understanding of danger and danger levels. Thus, the information displayed is an automized and normalized representation with no right to completeness and correctness. If a country is not shown, it doesn't necessarily mean it's safe. The information shown is a first indicator. Additional remark: the websites address does not endorse the situation of a 'Reisewarnung' (with its name). Often, it's just formal notifications by other countries. These can be the reason a country reaches scores of aorund 2.0 and still be a generally safe country to visit. Lower risk grades are usually no sign of a immanent threat!